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HEMA Glossary

Absetzen – See: ansetzen.

Afterblow – A slowly executed double hit.

Afterblow Window – The length of time allowed for an afterblow, typically measured in one howeverlongthejudgesfeellike.

Ansetzen – See: absetzen.

Artful Fencing – Ability to pose in exaggerated guards while out of fencing distance.

Balance – Ability to remain centered while moving slowly around a room.

Blunt Sword – A tool which is too stiff to be used in sparring.

BPS – Everything I know is from the HEMA Discord.

Buffel – Strong aggressive fencing in someone you don’t like.

Athletic – Strong aggressive fencing in someone you do like.

Crowbar – Any feder which isn’t to your personal taste.

Double Hit – When you do everything right but your opponent doesn’t fence properly.

Closed Double – I need an “out” for my friends.

Deep Target – “I can’t defend my hands.”

Duplieren – A German term for “I got caught on your sword when trying to leave the bind”.

Edge Alignment – Whatever causes the judges to call a point.

European – a person who cannot cut.

American – a person who cannot thrust.

Fiore – A euphemism for “bad at longsword” used in polite company.

FEBUS Rules – A rule system which encourages you to thrust when you double hit.

FEDER Rules – A rule system which encourages you to double hit.

Feder – A blunt sword which is used in sparring.

Flat – Striking surface of the sword for historical KdF strikes such as the Zwerhau and Mittelhau.

“Flat of my Strong!!!!” – I started HEMA before 2015.

Grapple – When, at close range, both fencers grab each others hands and slowly dance around in a circle. Also known as Star Trek Wrestling.

Half-Sword – A technique used in the last exchange of a match you know you can’t win.

HEMA – An acronym for German Longsword.

HEMA Alliance – The governing body for HEMA in North America, responsible for all policy and direction.

HEMA Instructor – A self taught amateur making it up as they go along.

WMA Instructor – A prestigious individual of repute who somehow gets worse results than a HEMA instructor.

HEMA Rating – A convenient metric for someone’s net worth as a person.

Inclusive – “We form our clique based on non-traditional metrics.”

Interpretation – Much like assholes, everyone has one.

Indes – German for “not like a little bitch”.

Kendo Effect – When two fighters strike each other with valid scoring actions, but one is really cool and the judges just seem to forget the other hit happened.

Longpoint Rules – A rule system which encourages you to have blade contact when you double hit.

Martial – A possessive pronoun indicating the difference between the speaker and listener.

Nordic Rules – A rule system which encourages you to hit the head when you double hit.

New School – Wants to do Modern Olympic Fencing without having to train as hard as a Modern Olympic Fencer.

Old School – Trained using questionable safety standards, has interesting stories, and sucks by modern standards.

Offline Stepping – Like teenage sex: that thing everybody talks about but never does.

Passing Step – Stepping with one foot past the other.

Fleche – A passing step for people who aren’t fat.

Pool Fencing – The phase of the tournament where your messy fencing is blamed on your opponent.

Elimination Fencing – The phase of a tournament where your messy fencing is just forgotten.

Pedagogy – “Focus on my education and vocabulary rather than my ability.”

Pflug – A stance with right foot forward, sword by the crotch, and point wiggling towards the opponent.

Alber – A stance with right foot forward, sword by the crotch, and point wiggling towards the opponent.

Vom Tag – A stance with right foot forward, sword by the crotch, and point wiggling towards the opponent.

Ochs – A stance with right foot forward, sword by the crotch, and point wiggling towards the opponent.

Rapier – A sub-variant of the sidesword with a thinner blade.

Regional Rules – A rule system which encourages you to be the more popular fencer when you double hit.

RoW – Right of Way, a method for solving double hits akin to closing your eyes and covering your ears.

Safe Attack – An attack which keeps you safe from the opponent’s sword, typically a personal insult delivered in an online forum.

Self Calling – The practice whereby a winning fighter exchanges excess points for social capital.

Sidesword – A sub-variant of the longsword for fencers with lower upper body strength.

Silver – A 16th century English fencing master, known for manuscript Paradoxes of Defense.

Springen – Once you are moving laterally and not towards your opponent you are canonically allowed to be explosive and dynamic.

Slice – A non-scoring action included in rules documents to give fencers an easy out when explaining match losses.

Stucke – “I am very pretentious”

Sporty – Any display of athleticism or fitness.

Suicidal Attack – When the opponent does not passively let you hit them.

Supination – The act of rotating both hands palm up to express dissatisfaction with a judge call.

Tempo – In HEMA the term “tempo” is used as a Rorschach test to help give you information about the speaker, rather than having an intrinsic meaning in and of itself.

Technical Award – My friend did not win the tournament.

Test Cutting – Breaking boards for nerds.

Tameshigiri – Test cutting for weebs.

Throw – There exists a weight disparity between the fencers.

Tippy – “I didn’t like that strike but can’t articulate why.”

True Time – This is similar to an animal warning display indicating that any interaction will result in a reprisal attack.

True Edge – Italian term for hitting with the primary striking orientation.

False Edge – Italian term for hitting with the secondary striking orientation.

Long Edge – German term for hitting with the primary striking orientation.

Short Edge – German term for spinning the sword in your hand while repeating the same motion as the primary striking orientation.

Primary Striking Orientation – The flat of the sword.

Secondary Striking Orientation – Every sword has two flats.

Viking Combat – The nuances of viking combat are far too nuanced for a simple glossary entry, please inquire for further expertise on reddit.

WMA – HEMA with less speed and more elf shoes.

Zwercopter – A series of Prellhau executed in quick succession.